Things I Should Do To Prep For A Roof Replacement


If you’re planning to have your roof replaced soon, there are several ways you can prepare your house for the renovations ahead. To assist roofing contractors in expediting the renovations to your home, take a few moments to review some helpful ways you can make the job of roofing contractors a little easier.

Remove Clutter Outside the Home

If you keep plants on the front or back porches, bring them inside during the duration of the roof replacement. Likewise, any items leaning on the edge of the house should be taken inside. This will ensure those working on your home aren’t presented with unnecessary obstacles or safety hazards that slow down the job for roofing contractors. Check the perimeter of the house for any nail boards, wasp nests or other potential dangers roofers may encounter.

Keep the Driveway Clear

It’s often advantageous for the roofing company you hire to use the driveway when replacing a roof. Having an easy place to park worker vehicles will speed up the process of loading and unloading materials. The driveway is also a great place to put a storage pod for the duration of the project. This could be used for either storing tools or holding scraps of the old roof until it is hauled away. Although many professionals are careful to clean up all debris, some materials may scatter across the lawn. A storage container would minimize the distance workers have to carry supplies or trash which helps keep your property looking clean. Also, parking your car in the garage or in the street will keep it protected from possible debris that falls from the roof during replacement.

Bring In Pets

While everyone loves our furry friends, dogs or other household pets may interfere with the construction process. Also, it may be dangerous for your beloved family friend to be around so much activity, tools and people. For any type of construction work, safety is always the first priority. Help foster a more efficient work environment by minimizing worker distractions.

For the best in Kansas City roofing solutions, contact Bill West Roofing for immediate assistance. Bill West Roofing is Select ShingleMaster Certified and dedicated to serving the needs of every client. Call today to learn more about quality roof replacement, roof repair or gutter installation.

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